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Tuesday, 19 June 2012

MC0076-Spring Drive Assignment-2012-last question

10. Write a note on Ethical and Social issue with E-commerce.

Ans:-The concept has come to mean various things to various people, but generally it's coming to know what it right or wrong in the workplace and doing what's right this is in regard to effects of products/services and in relationships with stakeholders. Wallace and Pekel explain that attention to business ethics is critical during times of fundamental change times much like those faced now by businesses, both nonprofit or for-profit.Attention to ethics in the workplace sensitizes leaders and staff to how they should act. Perhaps most important, attention to ethics in the workplaces helps ensure that when leaders and managers are struggling in times of crises and confusion, they retain a strong moral compass. However, attention to business ethics provides numerous other benefits, as well (these benefits are listed later in this document).
Managing Ethics in the Workplace:-Managing Ethics Programs in the Workplace Organizations can manage ethics in their workplaces by establishing an ethics management program. "Typically, ethics programs convey corporate values, often using codes and policies to guide decisions and behavior, and can include extensive training and evaluating, depending on the organization.

Developing Codes of Conduct:-If your organization is quite large, e.g., includes several large programs or departments, you may want to develop an overall corporate code of ethics and then a separate code to guide each of your programs or departments.

Resolving Ethical Dilemmas and Making Ethical Decisions:-Perhaps too often, business ethics is portrayed as a matter of resolving conflicts in which one option appears to be the clear choice. For example, case studies are often presented in which an employee is faced with whether or not to lie, steal, cheat, abuse another, break terms of a contract, etc.

Assessing and Cultivating Ethical Culture:-Culture is comprised of the values, norms, folkways and behaviors of an organization. Ethics is about moral values, or values regarding right and wrong. Therefore, cultural assessments can be extremely valuable when assessing the moral values in an organization.

Ethics Training:-The ethics program is essentially useless unless all staff members are trained about what it is, how it works and their roles in it. The nature of the system may invite suspicion if not handled openly and honestly. In addition, no matter how fair and up-to-date is a set of policies, the legal system will often interpret employee behavior (rather than written policies) as de facto policy.

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