(1) You are given a file with list
of names of 10 people. Write a Ruby program
to print their first names in the
sorted order.
file = File.open('names_f1','r')
names = []
file.each { |line|
names << line
puts names.sort
(2) Write a short program to print
the sum and average of all odd numbers
between 1 and 100.
sum,avg,total_odd =0,0,0
while i<100
unless (i%2 ==0)
sum += i
total_odd +=1
avg = sum/total_odd
puts "sum #{sum}"
puts "Avg #{avg}"
(3) What is COC and DRY?
COC :-CoC means the developer
only needs to specify unconventional aspects of application which
reduces the code and also repetition.
For example, if there is a class Sale in the model, the corresponding table in the database is called sales by default. It is only if one deviates from this convention, such as calling the table "products sold” that the developer needs to write code regarding these names.
For example, if there is a class Sale in the model, the corresponding table in the database is called sales by default. It is only if one deviates from this convention, such as calling the table "products sold” that the developer needs to write code regarding these names.
DRY :-DRY means “don’t
repeat yourself” and is a kind of mantra to the rails
developers community.
It commonly refers to not using the same (or similar) code in
multiple places in your application. Instead, such code should be
‘factored’ out to a common, single location (such as a helper
method or partial) and reused in various locations. This results in
writing code so that:- you only have to do the heavy-lifting once
- you can edit the code in one location and immediately see the
changes everywhere.
(4) On a linux system, how will you know how much RAM it has?Ans:free -m
(5) In a Rails project, which of the three is executed on the client side bythe browser: Models, Controllers, ERB views?Ans : ERB views
(6)Write a short program to count the number of words in a sentenceAns : sentence = " i am a good boy"sentence.split.count=> 5
(7) Give an example of a project
siutation where you will use polymorphic
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